Sunday, December 31, 2023

Claude 2: An Alternative to ChatGPT


We have witnessed an explosion in the development of large language models (LLMs). These AI-powered systems, trained on massive datasets of text and code, can now generate human-quality text, translate languages, write various kinds of content, and even answer your questions in an informative way. OpenAI's ChatGPT opened doors in conversational artificial intelligence (AI), but Anthropic's Claude 2 steps onto the stage with a transformative vision. Claude 2 offers distinct features and capabilities that make it a compelling alternative, particularly for educational settings.

What is Claude 2?

Claude 2 is an updated version of Claude, an AI assistant created by startup Anthropic, an AI safety and research company. It employs natural language processing to answer questions, have discussions, and generally assist users through written conversations (Anthropic, 2023). Relative to the original Claude model, Claude 2 demonstrates enhanced conversational abilities, more comprehensive knowledge of a diversity of topics, and improved common sense comprehension for contextual responses.

A distinctive feature of the Claude 2 model involves its adherence to Constitutional AI principles, meaning its design intentionally constrains certain possibilities in favor of increased safety (Gabriel, 2020). Claude 2 is trained to be helpful, harmless, and honest while focusing on avoiding toxic, biased, or misleading responses. Its training incorporates reinforcement learning from human feedback. Claude 2 prioritizes truthfulness, cites its knowledge sources, and acknowledges the boundaries of its understanding. It is designed to be safer than competing models, such as ChatGPT and Bard (Anthropic, 2023).

In addition, Claude 2 has an expansive 100,000-token context window which allows it to analyze prompts deeply and respond with precise, well-referenced answers. Claude 2 thrives in extended dialogues and complex tasks with consistently relevant and informed responses (Anthropic, 2023). Its unique features unlock opportunities for personalized learning and inquiry-based exploration within educational settings.

Benefits of Claude 2 for Education

Claude 2 can adapt explanations and examples to individual learning styles making it a powerful tool for personalized, engaging, and empowering learning experiences. Its adaptive nature allows it to adjust explanations and examples, therefore, fostering personalized learning experiences. It can generate learning materials, help find relevant sources, and even identify factual inconsistencies, turning students into active participants in their learning journey.

Also, Claude 2 excels in open-ended dialogue and inquiry-based learning. Its conversational ability promotes active participation, critical thinking, and deep understanding of complex topics. It assists in content creation, research, and problem-solving, equipping students with the tools to become independent learners and explore their interests.

How to try Claude 2

You can access Claude 2 through a new public-facing website,, which is currently in open beta. From there, you talk to Claude by starting a conversation or using one of Claude's default prompts. Anthropic recently introduced Claude Pro, a paid plan for their You can also access Claude through Quora's Poe, which allows you to interact directly with the Claude 2 100K model (among other AI models).


Claude 2's advanced capabilities present a promising alternative to ChatGPT. As a safety-focused conversational language model, Claude 2’s use in educational settings provides a valuable tool for fostering deeper learning, critical thinking, and personalized learning experiences. Its potential for transforming educational practices should be further explored and evaluated through rigorous research.


Anthropic. (2023). Claude 2: AI assistant focused on safety.

Gabriel, I. (2020). Artificial intelligence, values, and alignment. Minds & Machines 30(3), 411–437.


Washington, G. (2023, December 31). Claude 2: An Alternative to ChatGPT [Blog post]. Retrieved from