Saturday, December 28, 2019

Don’t Leave Teams in the Cloud

Microsoft Office 365 is a popular cloud-based technology known most for its productivity apps, Outlook, Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. In addition to these applications (apps), Microsoft Office 365 offers other applications and services that could potentially transform the teaching and learning environment for educators. Microsoft Teams, a less popular app in the Microsoft Office 365 collection, is a safe and secure platform to create inclusive, student-centered instruction and learning opportunities.

Microsoft Teams is a digital hub with a seamless platform that permits educators to create a space for communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity.  Utilizing Teams, educators are able to add content, assignments, and posts, while bringing to one location other apps such as OneNote and Stream. Further, students can hold conversations with the Teams app.

With Microsoft Teams, educators can build a collaborative classroom. Teams serves as a hub where educators and students interact online and as a workspace for communications, sharing files and even meeting online. Within Teams, educators set up a class made up of channels. Each channel is dedicated to a topic. Students work on assigned tasks within a channel. Teams allows educators to share the students’ feedback individually or directly with the group. If feedback is shared with the group, students can use the feedback for further discussion online or personally during a face-to-face class session.

In addition to using Teams for communication and collaboration, educators can empower students through personalized assignments and individual feedback. Educators can manage assignments using Teams to create, assign, collect, and provide feedback on assignments. Further, rubrics gained popularity with educators as a means of communicating expectations for an assignment, assessing student work, and grading final papers/projects. Teams embodies a system that all study materials, assignments, and feedback are in one place and easily accessible online from different devices.

Zacharová and Sokolová (2019) used Microsoft Teams in a classroom management course for pre-service teachers. Study materials, including case students, worksheets, and problem-based tasks are all a part of Teams. Students worked at their own pace and chose when and how long they worked on the assignments. Teams supports a system of interactive engagement for teachers and students. Students watched videos and used the chat room to share ideas and comments. The instructors provided feedback to students.

In conclusion, think of Microsoft Teams as a digital hub to bring educators, students, applications, conversations, assignments, and feedback together in one location. More importantly, educators and students have free access to Microsoft Office 365 through their academic institution or directly through Microsoft (Simkin, 2018). Students can work on group projects and hold discussions related to assignments. Educators can monitor how things are going in each group. Also, assignment submissions and feedback take place in a seamless environment. Microsoft Teams can change the way teaching and learning happens.

Simkin, M. (2018). Embedding technology in the history classroom. Agora, 53(1), 17–20.

Zacharová & Sokolová (2019). Developing professional vision: An on-line course of Adlerian classroom management for pre-service teachers. ELearning & Software for Education, 2, 79–84. doi:10.12753/2066-026X-19-079

Cite this blog: Washington, G. (2019, December 28). Don’t Leave Teams in the Cloud [Blog post]. Retrieved from

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Using Flipgrid for Student Engagement and Assessment

Educators seek apps for the intended purpose of enhancing student engagement and varying assessment. The most effective apps improve learning experiences by seamlessly connecting students, content, and the instructor. A careful examination of Flipgrid ( revealed a user-friendly app that permits instructors to engage students in their own learning by giving students a voice. Flipgrid creates an opportunity for students to participate in video discussions and provides instructors with an alternative assessment tool. The purpose of this article is to discuss Flipgrid and provide some uses of the app.

What is Flipgrid?
Flipgrid is an asynchronous video discussion platform designed to foster social learning both inside and outside the classroom (Green & Green, 2018). Developed at the University of Minnesota and launched in 2015, Flipgrid is now a part of the Microsoft. Flipgrid is designed for the educator community and allows for the creation of short videos around topics for sharing with others. Flipgrid is a 100% free cross-platform web-based and mobile app for educators and students.

So, how does it work? Instructors create a grid to present the topics (discussions) for a class or course. Topics serve as the stimulus for students’ video responses and include written text, video or images. Each topic is a discussion prompt. Students respond to the topic (discussion prompt) via an audio and video recording and reply to other students’ videos. Also, there are options for uploading an existing video and for adding stickers and drawings to videos. There are additional features ranging from privacy settings for a grid to automatic transcription of audio (Green & Green, 2018).

Flipgrid in Action
One use of Flipgrid is for authentic assessment of student performances in music classes. Performance assessment is one of the best ways to determine students’ understanding of music concepts. Through video responses, Flipgrid captures what students do in music. Topics for the grid are for either individual or small group performances. Video responses are 5 minutes in length. Optionally, students record, trim, and rerecord video before final submission. Flipgrid makes it possible for students to record video responses at home or in school. Recorded videos are seen by others in the class unless the instructor or student hides them (Dunbar, 2019).

Another use of Flipgrid is for students to become better acquainted with fellow classmates. In an online class, students create and share introductory videos and collaborate with each other to grow the online learning community. After posting a video response to the self-introductory topic, students view and respond to at least two other students with thoughtful and thorough responses. As a graded assignment, the video introduction replaces the typical text-based self-introduction discussions (Casarez, Agan, Self, Anderson, Atwood, & Heron, 2019).

Flipgrid is ideal for online classrooms or face-to-face classes that integrate technology. Flipgrid, a video discussion platform, provides greater opportunity for expression with the addition of audio and video capabilities. Flipgrid connects students, content, and the instructor visually and audibly. Student engagement, experiences and outcomes are enhanced in any classroom environment, particularly in online settings.  Flipgrid has the capacity or bringing greater opportunities for collaboration. Try it out and post a comment to let me know what you think about Flipgrid.

Casarez, L., Agan, T., Self, R., Anderson, D., Atwood, A., & Heron, A. (2019). Flipgrid to enhance communication in distance education. Delta Kappa Gamma Bulletin, 85(4), 35–37.

Dunbar, L. (2019). When responses cannot be written down: Video submission possibilities in the music classroom. General Music Today, 32(3), 29–30.

Green, T., & Green, J. (2018). Flipgrid: Adding voice and video to online discussions. TechTrends: Linking Research & Practice to Improve Learning, 62(1), 128–130.

Cite this blog: Washington, G. (2019, November 28). Using Flipgrid for Student Engagement and Assessment [Blog post]. Retrieved from

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Monday, October 28, 2019

The Online Classroom: Student-Content Interactions

In the online classroom, students not only interact with the instructor and each other, but students interact with content. Interaction with course content impacts student engagement and learning. With available technologies, it is easy to throw content together and just put it online. However, will students be able to purposefully engage with the content and arrive at their destination (knowledge acquisition) without getting lost along the way? Let’s explore the possibilities of student engagement in online learning environments.

Student-content interaction is defined as the engagement by students with the course content. It is the ability of students to access, manipulate, synthesize, and communicate content information. Engagement with the course content can happen through learning activities (reading, watching videos, exploring resources) and working on course assignments (Kyei-Blankson & Donnelly, 2016). Discussion boards have long been the go-to for online courses. (You need to discuss the discussion more in greater detail.  Where are the references that support this discussion board? What do the experts say?) Many times, instructors have students read chapters in a textbook or read an article, and then require them to discuss the content in a discussion board post. Does this sound familiar? Post your initial response to the questions no later than 5 pm on Tuesday and reply to posts by two different students no later than 5 pm on Saturday. Being creative with discussion board assignments is one way to provide student interaction with content.

Modifications to the structure of online discussions can yield better student interaction with content (Yilmaz & Karaoglan, 2019). One method for structuring online discussions is assigning different roles and responsibilities to group members. Roles can include students as starter, moderator, arguer, source searcher, and summarizer. The main responsibilities of each role are (Yilmaz & Karaoglan, 2019):
  • Starter: Starts and keeps the discussion sustainable for the group.
  • Moderator: Follows the flow of the discussion and keeps the group on task.
  • Arguer: Works with the source searcher and starter and takes a critical approach to responses from participants.
  • Summarizer: Notes the major points and issues from the discussion and summarizes the important information related to the topics.
Students not only interact with the content, but students also interact with each other.

In conclusion, interactions occur through instructor-student communication, student-student collaboration, and student-content engagement. Each form of interactions has important implications for learning in online courses. Through further research, educators may benefit from better understanding of how student interaction with course content impacts student engagement and learning in the online classroom.

Kyei-Blankson, L., Ntuli, E., & Donnelly, H. (2016). Establishing the importance of interaction and presence to student learning in online environments. World Journal of Educational Research, 3(1), 48-65. doi:10.22158/wjer.v3n1p48

Yilmaz, R., & Karaoglan Yilmaz, F. G. (2019). Assigned roles as a structuring tool in online discussion groups: Comparison of transactional distance and knowledge sharing behaviors. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 57(5), 1303-1325. doi:10.1177/0735633118786855

Cite this blog: Washington, G. (2019, October 28). The Online Classroom: Student-Content Interactions [Blog post]. Retrieved from

Saturday, September 28, 2019

The Online Classroom: Student-Student Interactions

In the face-to-face classroom, students tend to effortlessly interact with each other as a normal part of their learning experience. Students may talk before and after class, participate in class discussions, build connections through study groups, and engage in other formal or informal activities. However, in the online classroom, there is a loss of student-to-student proximity. The loss of this opportunity for direct communication becomes a potential challenge for instructors to foster meaningful student engagement. Advances in technology offer instructors various methods in which to incorporate student-student interactions into online courses. VoiceThread is one such technology.

In a recent study, Bickle and Rucker (2018) examined student-to-student interactions in an asynchronous online undergraduate course. The authors used VoiceThread technology within group assignments and found that students experienced a more humanizing method of interaction. The combination of VoiceThread technology and group assignments influenced students’ ability to learn, their feeling of a community, and their ability to communicate in an online environment. VoiceThread as an interactive technology was a successful learning tool to encourage collaboration, conversation, and creativity among students. During the semester long course, student groups of three completed seven assignments using VoiceThread. Within each group, each student researched a specific topic and recorded a video thread in VoiceThread. Group members collaborated to complete the assignment, and then the group leader uploaded the VoiceThread link to Blackboard for grading purposes.

Delmas (2017) explored the role of VoiceThread in creating a sense of community for graduate students in blended and fully online classes. Students in the study used VoiceThread for assignments (student introductions, presentations, historical timelines, and book reviews) in their classes. Results indicated that students felt more connected to their classmates due to VoiceThread’s ability to add voice to online activities. In addition, students reported that they felt more connected to their instructor because VoiceThread made the instructor seem real. VoiceThread was effective in creating social presence and enhancing communications. 

In conclusion, student-student interaction is a vital part of any student learning experience whether face-to-face or online. VoiceThread provided the opportunity for student-student interaction in the absence of face-to-face interaction. Student-student interaction is only one form of interaction. Last month’s blog article focused on instructor-student interaction in the online classroom. In next month’s blog article, student-content interaction in the online classroom will be discussed in detail.

Bickle, M. C., & Rucker, R. (2018). Student-to-student interaction. Quarterly Review of Distance Education, 19(1), 1–11. Retrieved from

Delmas, P. (2017). Using VoiceThread to create community in online learning. TechTrends: Linking Research & Practice to Improve Learning, 61(6), 595–602. doi:10.1007/s11528-017-0195-z

Cite this blog: Washington, G. (2019, September 28). The online classroom: Student-student interactions [Blog post]. Retrieved from

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The Online Classroom: Instructor-Student Interactions

Generally, in the online classroom students and the instructor connect synchronously or asynchronously while in separate locations. Thus, making it vital for instructors to play a pivotal role in student engagement and retention to avoid or minimize challenges beyond those of a traditional classroom. This blog article focuses on potential challenges that often emerge for instructor-student interaction in the online classroom.

Marketing Touchpoints
Hicks, Gray, and Bond (2019) posited using marketing touchpoints to solve instructor-student interaction challenges. A touchpoint is a marketing term used to refer to any point a customer comes in contact with a business, before, during, or after they make a purchase. From an educational perspective, touchpoints represent an opportunity for instructors to “inform and remind students about the value of class content and the value of how they should engage with the classroom content” (p. 2). Using a touchpoint blueprint for connecting with online students helps to build and establish the instructor’s presence in the online course and engagement with students.

Instructors can utilize touchpoints throughout the three phases of an online course (preclass, during class, and postclass). Hicks, Gray, and Bond (2019) identified email, announcements, and discussion board posts as primary touchpoints in an online classroom to optimize instructor-student interactions. “Instructor-student interactions may occur on a one-to-one, small group, or whole-class basis” (Davidson-Shivers, 2009, p.24). A welcome email before the course begins is an essential preclass touchpoint to show students that the instructor is present and available. Active class touchpoints occur once the class begins and before it ends. One active class touchpoint is a weekly reminder to all students of the start of a new week to provide a brief discussion on key concepts or help focus students on important details of an assignment. Another active class touchpoint is directed feedback to individual students or small groups, such as reaching out to a student who struggled with a concept or a discussion board post to a group to provide additional resources. One postclass touchpoint for the whole class can include an end-of-course message recognizing and praising students’ successful completion of the course.

Instructor Personalized Audio Lectures
Steele, Robertson, and Mandernach (2018) examined the value of instructor-personalized audio lectures as a means of fostering students’ engagement with course content and the online learning experience. The authors compared instructor-generated audio lectures to non-personalized, standardized content presentations (OER, publisher or standardized content materials). Qualitative data indicated higher satisfaction, connection, and engagement from students listening to personalized audio lectures. Instructor-generated audio lectures “created a more engaging connection between online students and their instructor” (p. 139).

Audio lectures provide a means of promoting instructor-student interaction in a more personalized manner. The following are instructional strategies for integrating audio lectures into the online classroom (Steele, Robertson, and Mandernach, 2018):

  • Integrate audio supplements at the onset of an online class to establish rapport between the instructor and students.
  • Use audio lectures as announcements to summarize weekly activities and expectations.
  • Offer audio supplements, such as podcasts, as an alternative to text-based content provide in the course.
  • Use audio lectures as an on-the-go option for listening to a course lecture.
  • Provide audio feedback to students’ assignments.
  • Response to students within the discussion forum with an audio response rather than a written reply.
  • Audio lectures provide a key opportunity for instructor-student interaction, but also give students more control over their online learning experience.
In conclusion, instructor-student interaction is key to student success yet challenging due to the remote nature of the online classroom. Preclass, during class, and postclass touchpoints are effective for increasing instructor-student interaction in online courses. Also, instructor-generated audio lectures provide another opportunity for instructor-student interaction. To be fully engaged in the learning process, students need to connect with the instructor in a meaningful way. Students’ interaction with the content and other students play a vital role in the online classroom as well. 


Davidson-Shivers, G. V. (2009). Frequency and types of instructor interactions in online instruction. Journal of Interactive Online Learning, 8(1), 23–40. Retrieved from

Hicks, N., Gray, D. M., & Bond, J. (2019). A blueprint for executing instructor-student interactions in the online classroom using marketing touchpoints. Journal of Educators Online, 16(1), 1–11. doi:10.9743/jeo.2019.16.1.4

Steele, J. P., Robertson, S. N., & Mandernach, B. J. (2018). Beyond content: The value of instructor-student connections in the online classroom. Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching & Learning, 18(4), 130–150. doi:10.14434/josotl.v18i4.23430

Cite this blog: Washington, G. (2019, August 28). The Online Classroom: Instructor-Student Interactions [Blog post]. Retrieved from

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Sunday, July 28, 2019

The Flipped Classroom

empty classroom upside down
Educators teaching in face-to-face classrooms move beyond passive learning with more active and collaborative approaches to teaching with flipped classroom usage (Bergmann & Sams, 2014). Utilizing a flipped classroom allows student engagement and learning goes beyond just watching videos. Before class, students prepare to participate in class activities. During class, students are actively involved with other students and the instructor through a variety of approaches such as problem-based activities, brainstorming, or group/pair work. After class, students check their understanding and extend their learning. A flipped classroom looks different based on the instructor, students, classroom environment, content, and learning outcomes. According to Bergmann and Sams (2014, p. 18) “A flipped classroom really starts with one simple question: What is the best use of your face-to-face class time?”

In traditional face-to-face business courses taught by three different instructors, students identified the courses as difficult and hard to pass. Students were commuter students, who sometimes had multiple jobs, family responsibilities, and other commitments. Sometimes, students were unable to attend class and when they did attend, they came unprepared. Students were diverse from varied ethnic and cultural backgrounds. In addition, the instructors observed that students were disinterested and disengaged in the class. So, the instructors redesigned four traditional courses to a flipped course and studied the effectiveness of the flipped courses as compared with the traditional courses. The courses were taught as both traditional and flipped courses over eight semesters from spring 2015 to fall 2018. Instruction happened outside the classroom, and if students encountered learning issues or had questions, they could contact the instructor or use a discussion forum in the learning management system. Prior to coming to the next class, students completed a short online quiz or low-level skills worksheet that helped the instructors assess student understanding of the material. The instructors found evidence of academic improvement by students in flipped courses compared with traditional courses, a general positive attitude toward flipped courses, and lower withdrawal rates of students from flipped courses without having to compromise on course content (Sarkar, Ford & Manzo, 2019).

Malik, Khan, and Maqsood (2018) found similar results in which the flipped approach improved physical and cognitive engagement of students. Physical engagement referred to active participation and the application of vigor and effort focused toward the completion of a task. Cognitive engagement was the amount of attention, concentration, and focus toward an activity or a task. The researchers used a mixed method approach to compare and contrast the qualitative data and the results of quantitative data. The participants included undergraduate students in an engineering class. From the beginning of the semester until the second exam, students were taught using the traditional mode of instruction. Then, the flipped classroom approach was implemented after the second exam until final exams. Using the flipped classroom approach, the instructors provided students with video lectures, research articles, reference books, and PowerPoint slides a week before the class session. Students brought lecture notes (graded activity), which included key points of the topic and questions to ask during the question and answer session. During the face-to-face class, there was a 25-minute question and answer session based on the lecture notes of students. Group activities included case studies, historical software issues, and real-life scenarios. Each group shared the findings of the activity with the entire class. As a result, the traditional lecture moved from the classroom (group space) into individual space. The face-to-face class time was best used for student interaction and engagement.

In conclusion, the flipped classroom changed the way the instructors mentioned above taught their face-to-face courses. Whether you flip an entire course or portions of a course, students benefit from the active learning and collaborative approach. Higher order thinking is done in the class in the presence of the instructor and the instructor can interact one-on-one or in small groups with students. Learning rather than teaching becomes the goal and students begin to take more ownership of their own learning. Learners are no longer passive recipients of knowledge but active learners.

Bergmann, J., & Sams, A. (2014). Flipped learning. Learning & Leading with Technology, 41(7), 18–23.

Malik, Z. A., Khan, S. S., & Maqsood, M. (2018). Exploring the relationship between student engagement and new pedagogical approaches. Journal of Educational Technology Systems, 47(2), 170-192. doi:10.1177/0047239518788281

Sarkar, N., Ford, W. & Manzo, C. (2019). To flip or not to flip: What the evidence suggests, Journal of Education for Business, doi:10.1080/08832323.2019.1606771

Cite this blog: Washington, G. (2019, July 28). The flipped classroom [Blog post]. Retrieved from

Image by Wokandapix from Pixabay

Friday, June 28, 2019

A Transition to Active Learning

In last month’s blog article, Blended Lecture and Active Learning, I discussed lecture, active learning, and what is meant by blending lecture and active learning. During active learning, students engage with course material, participate in the class, and collaborate with each other (Borodzhieva, 2018). There are many active learning strategies; however, the think-pair-share, pause procedure, and one-minute paper are simple ways to transition to active learning. These are low-commitment active learning strategies, but expand student learning through application, analysis, evaluation, and creation (Christenson, 2018).

One way instructors can transition to active learning is to incorporate feedback using a think-pair-share active learning strategy. Using think-pair-share, the instructor asks students a question or to solve a problem that requires higher order thinking. Each student writes a response for one to two minutes (think). Then, students pair up to discussion responses for an additional one to two minutes (pair). Finally, individuals in each group engage collaboratively in sharing their thoughts on the information. If needed, the instructor provides further explanations.  Think-pair-share helps to clarify student understanding, builds relationships between students, and furthers learning by students (Christenson, 2018).

Cooper (2018) implemented a modified think-pair-share strategy to focus on student-centered learning with student-generated questions. At the beginning of class, students developed two questions based on reading done before class.  The questions sought insight rather than requiring simple recall. Then, the students paired up to answer their partner’s questions. Next, in groups of five, students discussed questions and responses and chose two questions for the instructor to answer. The instructor answered at least one question from each group, and then allowed the whole class to answer the other questions. At the end, the instructor asked if there were any questions unanswered. Utilizing the think-pair-share process, students gained a deeper understanding of the topics in this active learning strategy.

Pause Procedure
The pause procedure is another active learning strategy in which the instructor gives strategic pauses during each lecture. During the pauses, students can review their notes, discuss materials with other students, or participate in interactive exercises. The process allows students the opportunity to clarify and retain information taught by the instructor during each lecture (Chowdhury, 2016). For effective implementation of the pause procedure, the instructor should plan the frequency of pauses and predetermine various collaborative and active learning activities before each lecture.

Research into the use of the pause procedure supports its use as an active learning strategy. Chowdhury (2016) conducted an action research study and found that the incorporation of strategic pauses during accounting lectures enhanced student satisfaction and overall class performance. A total of 75 undergraduate first year students participated in the study. The pause procedure was applied in one accounting class (experimental group) and the findings were compared with another accounting class (control group). In the experimental group class, the instructor gave two 8 minute pauses after every 30 minutes lecture. During the first pause, students worked in pairs and discussed, compared, and reviewed their notes. During the second pause, students wrote a short summary on the key concepts discussed by the instructor. Students in the experimental group had the opportunity to stop, think, and reflect back on content covered by the instructor.

One-Minute Paper
The one-minute paper is another active learning strategy. At the end of each class session or at a convenient transitional point during the class session, the instructor asks students to spend a few minutes answering reflective questions. Students can reflect on what they have learned and even what they have not learned in response to the questions. To stimulate discussion, students can share responses with the class. The instructor can revisit points of confusion during or in another class session (Christenson, 2018). When effectively implemented, the one-minute paper increases student learning through reflection and critical thinking.

In a research study, Hacisalihoglu, Stephens, Johnson, and Edington (2018) measured the impact of active learning strategies on student success in General Biology in a SCALE-UP (Student Centered Active Learning Environment with Upside-down Pedagogies) learning environment. SCALE-UP is a classroom environment with movable tables and chairs, computers for student groups, and whiteboards strategically placed around the room. The researchers compared students in SCALE-UP courses to students in standard General Biology I courses. The standard General Biology I courses were taught using standard lecture format with slide presentations. Students were assigned readings prior to lecture and homework afterward to reinforce the lectures. While, the SCALE-UP format courses consisted of clicker quizzes, mini-lectures, and group activities using active learning techniques. During one particular class session, the instructor taught a 15 minute mini-lecture. Then, students were assigned to specific groups and each group wrote a sixty second summary of their understanding of three to five major points and their significance. Prior to class, student assignments consisted of textbook readings and watching 10-12 minute online videos related to the specific topic covered and homework assigned following class. Overall results suggested that the combination of active learning techniques and the SCALE-UP space had a measurable and positive impact on student learning when compared to traditional modes of instruction.

Think-pair-share, pause procedure, and one-minute paper are simple active learning strategies requiring small modifications in a traditional, lecture style of teaching. Through the use of technology, these active learning strategies can be further modified for online courses. This article serves as a foundation to promote student engagement with course materials, participation, and active collaboration as a means to increase student learning. As you transition to active learning in your course, consider what strategy works best with the course learning outcomes, how you will implement the strategy, and what students will learn.

Borodzhieva, A. (2018). Active learning techniques applied in the course “Telecommunication Security.” ELearning & Software for Education, 2, 25–32. doi:10.12753/2066-026X-18-074

Chowdhury, F. (2016). The power of using pause procedure during accounting lecture: An Action Research study. European Journal of Business and Social Sciences 5(06), 101-108. Retrieved from

Christenson, L. (2018). Straightforward active learning modalities for the higher education classroom. NACTA Journal, 62(1), 99-103. Retrieved from

Cooper, F. (2018). A modification of think pair share to make it more learner-centered by using student-generated questions. College Teaching, 66(1), 34. doi:10.1080/87567555.2017.1390438

Hacisalihoglu G, Stephens D, Johnson L, Edington, M (2018). The use of an active learning approach in a SCALE-UP learning space improves academic performance in undergraduate General Biology. PLoS ONE, 13(5), 1-13. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0197916

Cite this blog: Washington, G. (2019, June 28). A Transition to Active Learning [Blog post]. Retrieved from

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Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Blending Lecture and Active Learning

Active Learning
Image source:
Do you default to lecturing as a strategy for presenting course content to students? Are you familiar with active learning pedagogies?  Have you thought about abandoning lecture altogether? When deciding how best to promote student learning, consider building on the interplay between lecture and active learning. This article does not debate whether lecture is better than active learning or vice versa. Instead, there is discussion about blending lecture and active learning to impact student learning. So, what exactly is lecture and active learning and what is meant by blending lecture and active learning?

What exactly is lecture?
The traditional lecture has ruled the higher education environment for centuries (Waldeck & Weimer, 2017). During a traditional lecture, students sit passively listening to the instructor deliver course content. The delivery may be different and students may answer questions or ask questions here and there, but students still lack interaction and engagement. In fact, by definition, the word “lecture” completely ignores the presence of the audience (the students).  However, lecture is still an effective method for presenting information to students.  Lecture is telling and there are many instances when students need to be told specific information. Through lectures instructors can present up-do-date evidence not presented in textbooks, explain complex concepts, highlight key points to remember, provide examples, and clarity confusing points for students (Bristol et al., 2019).  When properly delivered, lecture, like any instructional method can promote student learning (Waldeck & Weimer, 2017).

What exactly is active learning?
Active learning is defined as "anything that involves students in doing things and thinking about the things they are doing" (Bonwell & Eison, 1991, p. 2). Active learning pedagogies engage students with the course materials, the instructor, and other students and also encourage them to reflect on their learning. The focus is on student activities and engagement in the learning process. Aside from listening, students are actively involved through reading, writing, discussion, or engaging in solving problems (Bonwell & Eison, 1991).  Active learning allows for application of content. Also, active learning activities can serve as a basis for evaluation and feedback to fulfill formative assessment conditions (Adkins, 2018).

Blending Lecture and Active Learning
Although lecture and active learning use fundamentally different approaches, student learning can result from both. Instead of relying solely on lecture for students to learn content, Adkins (2018) discussed implementing both lecture and active learning pedagogy in a Human Computer Interaction (HCI) course.  Twenty-two Information Systems graduate students were enrolled in the course and attended class twice a week for seventy-five minutes. There was a short lecture at the beginning of most class periods followed by activities noted as active learning. The activities included a key to class, muddiest point, student-generated test questions, empty outline, and directed paraphrasing. The results of the action research project found that by blending the lecture instructional method and active learning activities, students were active participants in learning the course content. Exposing students to only lectures limits students to the lowest two levels of Bloom’s taxonomy: remember and understand (Heinerichs, Pazzaglia, & Gilboy, 2016). Students are not challenged to think about the course content and apply it outside the classroom. Active learning pedagogy can expand student learning through application, analysis, evaluation, and creation.

Bristol et al. (2019) explored the use of lecture and active learning by nurse educators teaching in prelicensure programs.  The researchers collected data on the extent of time nursing faculty lectured to their students in the classroom or engaged in active learning.  The results revealed a widespread use of a blend of active learning with lecture in nursing classrooms. Few nurse educators used solely active learning or lecture.  The blend of lecture and active learning was based on the learning outcomes to be achieved and what teaching and learning methods worked best considering those outcomes. When active learning activities are added to classes, students interact with the course content, the instructor, and other students instead of relying solely on lecture to learn content (Adkins, 2018).

With a blend of lecture and active learning, instructors can provide information to students and also engage students in their learning process. In addition, instructors can apply all levels of the Bloom’s taxonomy. The results from numerous studies suggest that by using a blend of lecture and active learning educators can improve student learning outcomes. In the next blog article, I will discuss specific active learning techniques to get you started with implementing active learning in face-to-face and online environments.

Adkins, J. K. (2018). Active learning and formative assessment in a user-centered design course. Information Systems Education Journal, 16(4), 34-40.

Bonwell, C. C., & Eison, J. A. (1991). Active learning: Creating excitement in the classroom. ASHE-ERIC Higher Education Reports. Retrieved from

Bristol, T., Hagler, D., McMillian-Bohler, J., Wermers, R., Hatch, D., & Oermann, M. H. (2019). Nurse educators' use of lecture and active learning. Teaching and Learning in Nursing, 14(2), 94-96. doi:10.1016/j.teln.2018.12.003

Heinerichs, S., Pazzaglia, G., & Gilboy, M. B. (2016). Using flipped classroom components in blended courses to maximize student learning. Athletic Training Education Journal, 11(1), 54-57. doi:10.4085/110154

Waldeck, J. H. & Weimer, M. (2017) Sound decision making about the lecture’s role in the college classroom, Communication Education, 66(2), 247-250. doi:10.1080/03634523.2016.1275721

Cite this blog: Washington, G. (2019, May 28). Blending Lecture and Active Learning [Blog post]. Retrieved from

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Socrative: Another Game-based Student Response System

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Game-based learning (GBL) as an approach to instruction has shown promise to enhance the overall academic and social experiences of students.  Researchers continue to explore the use of GBL drawn on literature and evidence of practice in K-12 and higher education settings.  This month’s blog article explores the use of Socrative, another game-based student response system.  

About Socrative
Socrative empowers instructors to engage and assess their students as learning takes place.  Instructors can design activities and assessments online for students to access using any device (laptops, smartphones, or tablets).  Students can receive immediate feedback from the instructor (Balta, Perera-Rodríguez, & Hervás-Gómez, 2018).  According to the developers of Socrative, Socrative is a “classroom app for fun, effective engagement and on-the-fly assessments,” which allows instructors to administer in-class surveys, homework assignments and quizzes.  In addition, instructors can aggregate results in real time and generate reports to monitor and visualize student learning (Socrative, 2019).

Socrative in Action
Within the classroom environment, Socrative can promote active learning and facilitate interactions between students and the instructor.  In a qualitative study, El Shaban (2017) integrated active learning activities and used Socrative with English second language learners in reading comprehension classes.  Activities facilitated independent and collaborative critical thinking, different teaching styles and course feedback, and instant feedback.  For example, some activities involved case-based problem-solving exercises.  The results showed that both Socrative, as a student response system, and active learning activities contributed to increased levels of student engagement, promoted critical thinking, and stimulated collaboration.

In addition, instructors can use Socrative to extend learning outside the classroom.  Balta, Perera-Rodríguez, and Hervás-Gómez (2018) employed a quasi-experimental design to measure the effect of homework completion through Socrative on students’ exam scores in physics.  The experimental and control groups were randomly created for students to prepare for their final exams.  The experimental group was given homework activities (sets of physics problems) through Socrative; while the control group used conventional resources to prepare for the exam.  Students in the experimental group had the opportunity to complete eight homework assignments and were allowed to leave a comment after each homework completion.  After completing each homework assignment, these students were able to see the exact solutions and correct their mistakes.  The researchers found Socrative to be beneficial as a web-based homework platform to increase students’ performances on exams.

Through the use of game-based student response systems, instructors can enhance their classes by engaging and motivating students to be more active learners in or outside the classroom.  Technology combined with instructional approaches, such as active learning, can be effect and impact students’ learning experiences.  Socrative, like Kahoot! discussed in March’s blog article, is a useful technology for teaching and learning.

Balta, N., Perera-Rodríguez, V., & Hervás-Gómez, C. (2018). Using Socrative as an online homework platform to increase students’ exam scores. Education and Information Technologies, 23(2), 837-850. doi:10.1007/s10639-017-9638-6

El Shaban, A. (2017). The use of Socrative in ESL classrooms: Towards active learning. Teaching English with Technology, 17(4), 64–77.

Socrative by MasteryConnect. (2019). Retrieved from

Cite this blog: Washington, G. (2019, April 28). Socrative: Another game-based student response system [Blog post]. Retrieved from